Full Body Screening - $550
The Full Body Study Captures all images of the Men’s/Women’s Health Screening and then adds in the Arms, Shoulders, Hands, Legs, Knees, and Feet. With a Full Body Thermogram, you can expect a report from a Medical Doctor evaluation the following areas:
- Breast Health
- Cardiovascular Health
- Muscular Skeletal Disorders
- Sinus and Allergies
- Thyroid Health
- Digestive Disorders
- Visceral Health
- Dental Challenges
- Possible Nerve Damage
- Inflammation
Breast Screening - $200
Thermography is an excellent breast health screening tool, currently recognized for helping women maintain healthy breasts by monitoring for changes over time. Thermography is a safe, non-contact, non-invasive examination of the breasts. Our Breast Thermogram consists of a detailed health history, 8 images of your breasts at all angles and breast health education such as self-breast exam and dry brushing. In addition, you receive an interpretation report and a full set of images from a Medical Doctor. Breast Thermography is NOT a stand-alone device and does not replace mammography.
Early, safe, non-radiation screening for:
- Breast Cysts
- Lymphatic Congestion
- Estrogen Dominance
- Generalized Inflammation
- Hormone Imbalance
- Fibrocystic Breasts
Women's or Men's Health Screening - $400
Screens For:
- Head & Neck – Sinuses, TMJ, Dental, Carotid Arteries, Eye, Neck Pain/Inflammation
- Breast (Omit for Men) – Lymph Congestion, Dilated Ducts, Hormonal Imbalance, Generalized Inflammation
- Chest – Acid Reflux, Chest/Heart/Lungs, Anterior Shoulder Challenges
- Upper Back – Stress/Strain, Injury
- Abdomen – Stomach, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Intestines, Female Organs
- Lower Back – Pain/Discomfort due to Stress or Injury