Thermography FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions


Who can benefit from Thermographic Imaging?

Anyone who is interested in proactively taking charge of their health will benefit from Thermal imaging. So many people are focused on disease diagnosis. However, the shift to Health Discovery is a progressive approach for people who value the process of monitoring their health and making lifestyle changes with the guidance of their healthcare practitioners to achieve big results for their health and longevity.

Is it a proven technology?

Thermography has been comprehensively researched for over 30 years. While it is not a replacement for Mammography, it may have many valuable assets including earlier detection of neovascular (blood supply) patterns, an adjunct to inconclusive mammograms, improved detection for women with dense breasts or implants or a reasonable alternative for women who refuse mammogram.

 Does Thermography replace mammography?

A procedure that looks at the health of the breasts does not replace a procedure that is looking for cancer.  Mammography is a cancer screening procedure that uses radiation. It is strictly looking for signs that cancer may be present.  Thermography is a thermographic study of the breasts and is looking for signs to confirm breast health or that your breasts may be generally unhealthy. Our Interpreting Physicians are not looking for cancer or any other disease. Only a biopsy can diagnose cancer.

What are your Interpreting Physicians looking for?

Because Thermography detects inflammation and blood profusion, our Interpreting Physicians are looking for signs of Lymphatic Congestion, Dilated Ducts, Injury, Generalized Inflammation, Hormone Imbalance as well as specific patterns. When they evaluate these areas, they will assess their significance and comment as to whether they see a low, moderate or high level of significance.  They will also recommend a follow-up appointment for further evaluation or to establish a baseline.

What is a baseline?

A stable baseline can be established on the follow-up appointment. Our Interpreting Physicians will compare your images from your first imaging to those of your follow up imaging. When they do this, they are looking for signs that the breasts are thermo-graphically stable. When they see this stability, they will recommend that you come back for imaging in one year for an Annual Follow Up. If they do not see stability, they may recommend further clinical correlation, and another follow up in 3 – 6 months. 

Do You personally get mammograms?

Getting mammograms is a very personal choice for every woman and we encourage you to discuss this with your doctor or trusted healthcare practitioner. I also encourage you to educate yourself about the risks of radiation, overdiagnosis, and overtreatment so you can make a balanced decision for yourself.

 Does Thermography see cancer? If I have something suspicious looking, will the doctors at least say something?

Thermography does not see cancer. If our Interpreting Physicians see something that they would consider “Thermographically Significant” they will give you a strong and intentional encouragement to seek further clinical correlation. Remember that “Thermographically Significant” does not necessarily mean significant for a specific disease.  

I am a cancer survivor and don’t want any more radiation, can Thermography help me monitor my breasts?

Thermography can help you monitor the health of your breasts. Because we do see cancer, our interpreting physicians do not monitor it.

 What would you do if you were diagnosed with Breast Cancer?

This is a very personal question for any woman. Each case is individual and unique. I can tell you that I have educated myself so that I am as prepared as possible in the event of a diagnosis.

 Are you considered “Early Detection?”

We do not detect cancer so the word “detection” is not a part of a professional Thermographer’s vocabulary. The Thermographer takes the images and the interpreting physician interprets them. Our interpreting physicians will give you a breast HEALTH assessment and make recommendations that you and your doctor can consider to promote healthy breasts.

Can you prevent breast cancer with Thermography?

We believe that all women deserve to have the knowledge of how to keep their breasts healthy. We teach that Diet, Exercise, Supplementation, Dry Brushing, Hormone Balancing as well as Lifestyle Choices and Changes are useful ways to support breast health.

Is it safe?

While a variety of studies have called into question the safety of cumulative exposures to radiation, this is not the case with Thermography. Thermography emits nothing; it only takes an image (a picture). Nothing touches you and it is quick and painless. This all makes Thermography great for frequent screening with no chance of danger.

Is it accurate?

Yes, as a routine screening tool, it has been shown to be 97% effective at detecting benign vs malignant breast abnormalities. Another study tracked 1,537 women with abnormal thermograms for 12 years. They had normal mammograms and physical exams. Within 5 years, 40% of the women developed malignancies. The researchers commented, “An abnormal thermogram is the single most important marker of high risk for the future development of breast cancer.” These results have been repeated over and over again for nearly 30 years.

Who reads the images?

The images are sent via a secured server to Physicians Insight Clinical Interpretation where a professional group of physicians trained in the protocols of reading thermal images interprets the images. A very formal interpretation is made and sent to us where we will review the results and make suggestions or referrals if necessary. You are given a copy of the report and frequently we send copies of the reports to physicians for their records.

What if I get abnormal results? What do I do?

Thermography is not diagnostic but gives early risk factors. This is great news because an abnormal result from a thermogram is usually so early that it often buys time so that natural interventions such as herbs, supplements and lifestyle changes can influence the outcome. At the least, the condition can be closely monitored safely until conventional interventions need to be applied. It is important to recognize that early detection is the key to a good outcome. We will make recommendations or referrals as necessary.  We do not diagnose or treat cancer.


Administrative Questions

Do you accept insurance?

We do not bill insurance. You are responsible for payment at the time of your imaging. We have seen insurance pay for Thermography but VERY rarely. The “Medi Share” type of health coverage often pays for Thermography (check with your individual plan). We have had the most success with Liberty Health Share. They will reimburse for a breast Thermography as part of a “Well-Woman” visit.

Thermography Insurance Codes:

  • Thermography CPT code is: 93740, Under Non-invasive Physiologic Studies
  • Procedure Diagnosis code R938 is considered billable. (as a reminder, Thermography is NOT Diagnostic, but this is the wording the insurance companies use.                                                         
  • 2018 ICD-10-PCS Procedure Code 4A0ZXKZ Measurement of Temperature, External Approach.

Are you Hipaa Compliant?

YES. We follow all rules for HIPAA compliance. However, we are not required to do so yet by the authorities. Many Thermographers are NOT prepared for the time when all thermographers will be required to follow rules for HIPAA compliance. We are prepared and already following these rules.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express as well as cash and checks. Payment is expected at the time of service.

When will I receive my report?

Reports will be sent to you via a HIPAA compliant email service within 2 weeks. In the busier months of October and November, this may extend as far out as 3 weeks. If you have a serious concern, we can provide a STAT interpretation which means your report will be sent to you within 48 hours.  


Important Points to Consider:

We Believe in Health Discovery vs. Disease Detection

Every person deserves the truth about their state of health.  Instead of waiting for symptoms to manifest and a disease process to be diagnosed, Thermography gives you a very early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – Inflammation.

Thermography professionals want to help

We call Thermography “Health Discovery” – a very important part of your proactive wellness program. Thermography detects inflammation, often long before you may feel any symptoms or be diagnosed with an actual disease. In a nutshell, Thermography can see your body asking for extra help.

Humans are famous for waiting until symptoms get so bad they finally act on them.  At that point, there is probably little room for prevention – only Reaction– leaving them with no choice but to endure invasive testing, drugs with side effects plus treatments and surgeries that greatly reduce the quality of life.  However, on the Proactive side, trained practitioners can support your body’s natural ability to heal itself through various modalities like dietary changes, supplementation, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, exercise and more…All designed to return you to a healthy state of well-being. If this resonates with you, contact us today.